Christian Formation
Living as a disciple of Christ requires us to study his life and teachings continually from infanthood through adulthood. Resurrection seeks to provide opportunities for that learning for all ages.
Nursery Care
Newborns through three-year-olds are invited to formative play in the care of our nursery staff and volunteers. Books, puzzles and age-appropriate toys are offered, as well as a light snack. Nursery care is made available during our 10:30 worship service and many church programs and events.
Sunday Morning Formation Hour
Most Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:15, Resurrection offers formation programs for adults. We use a variety of curricula, often book studies from some of our favorite theological writers.
Ladies Group
Each Thursday evening at 6:30, many women of our church gather for bible study and fellowship.
Youth Group
Young people in 6th through 12th grade make up our Church of the Resurrection Youth (C.O.R.Y.). On most Sunday evenings during the academic year, CORY meets in the Youth Room at 6:00. Led by two adult advisors, our CORY gatherings include a variety of worship, learning, recreational and service experiences meant to create Christian community and nurture authentic Christian servanthood.
Wednesday Evenings
Twice a year, Resurrection offers a Wednesday evening program for all ages for a series of 4 to 5 weeks. We gather for a light meal and enjoy a time of worship, fellowship and learning.
Education for Ministry (EfM)
EfM is an ecumenical, distance learning, small group seminar provided by the School of Theology at the University of the South at Sewanee. Our church hosts an EfM group. EfM is intended for lay people interested in learning about the Christian faith from two perspectives – academic and discernment. Participants study the Old Testament, New Testament, Christian history and theology in that order. EfM groups meet weekly to discuss reading assignments and practice the skill of theological reflection. Through this study and discussion, participants are able to consider where God is calling them to serve in lay ministry. EfM meets once a week for 36 weeks overlapping the academic year.