
Wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome to worship at Resurrection.

Sunday is our traditional day of worship. We have two Sunday worship services. One begins at 8:30 and the other at 10:30. Both services follow the worship liturgy provided in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP; pictured left), which you can find in any pew. That liturgy includes music, bible readings, a sermon, prayers, and the celebration of Holy Communion each Sunday. Although the general format for worship in an Episcopal Church will seem familiar to any Christian who has engaged in church worship, the Episcopal tradition includes a somewhat “high church” feel in that our clergy, lay ministers and choir members wear vestments and our prayers take on a formal tone as they were written many years ago and are shared by worshipers in Episcopal churches world-wide. For more information about the Book of Common Prayer and the Episcopal Church follow our website menu, “About Us.”

All of our worship liturgy and scripture readings are printed in our bulletins. If you would like to view a typical worship bulletin, please click here. Our 8:30 service is quiet, contemplative and uses the more formal language of the BCP’s Rite I liturgy. Our 10:30 service is enriched by our organ, piano and choir and uses the more modern language of the BCP’s Rite II liturgy. We stream our 10:30 service live on our Facebook page as well.

We also use the Hymnal 1982 and the Holy Bible for our worship music and scripture readings.

The Holy Eucharist (also called Communion and the Lord’s Supper) is the principal act of worship at our church. All baptized people are invited to receive Communion at the altar table, regardless of age or faith background. The Episcopal tradition includes the use of wine in a common cup and communion wafers. If you are unable to walk up to the altar to receive Communion, please tell an usher and our rector will bring Communion to you in your pew. If you do not wish to receive Communion, you may still come forward to the altar to receive a blessing; just cross your arms over your chest to indicate your choice to receive only a blessing.

Children of all ages are welcome in our worship services. Books, drawing paper and coloring pencils are available on the table at the rear of the Nave. Parents and grandparents should feel comfortable keeping their little ones with them during worship. If you prefer nursery care, our ushers will be happy to direct you to our nursery room when you arrive. Nursery care, led by one staff person and at least one volunteer, is available for infants and toddlers during the second worship service, which begins at 10:30.

The whole people of God are vital ministers in our worship services. Below are many ways lay people contribute to our worship experience each Sunday.

Altar Guild
Guild members prepare the altar for all services of the church. They meet on Saturday mornings and at other times during the week as needed.

Adult Choir
Our adult choir sings at 10:30 each Sunday morning and on other special occasions. The group rehearses on Wednesday evenings from September through May at 7 p.m. and on Sunday mornings at 9:30. Individuals and smaller ensembles occasionally offer special music at church services. Our music ministries are led by our Director of Music, Donna Brooks.

Eucharistic Ministers / Lectors
Members of the congregation assist with the liturgy by reading Scripture, leading the prayers of the people, and/or serving as chalice bearers.

Lay members welcome worshipers, distribute bulletins, and assist with the Offertory and Holy Communion at both services and on special occasions.

Younger members of the parish carry the cross, torches and Gospel in procession and assist the celebrant at the setting of the table and the administration of the sacrament.